Building A Support System

What makes up your support system:

Networking | Knowing who to speak to | Recommendation letters | Elevator Pitch | Communication | Communicate via email

Build a Support System that supports YOU!

Support is critical just like any process or design. In architechture support is needed to balance bridges and buildings from collapsing. In construction, cranes leverage the support of counterweights in order to lift extremely heavy objects against the force of gravity. Just like these processes, your pathway and process to success needs the same support; and you have the opportunity to build it. 

Your support can come in the form of family, friends, mentors and motivational figures. It is critical that they connect to you on a mental level and not just physical; because supporters may not always be able to help you physically. 

Build and establish relationships with prospective supportive figures through meetings, conversations and engaging in similar projects. 

Options for Prospective Support Meetings

Be critical, and take the time to learn about your prospects; just like someone would learn about you? Think of it as an interview process where you are the interviewer. Make them feel blessed with your presence and desire to be a part of your journey. 

Sell your Pitch, 

Not just in an Elevator