Selecting Majors and Curriculums

Manuevering College and Education

Education is a critical part of our well being and prosperity. However, we sometimes fall victim to the institutionalized meaning of education; to be a part of the education system. Education happens all around us and can involve everything we do. Take the time to educate yourself on how to better manuever the pre-existing systems in front of you; and learn how to better equip yourself for the future. 

Educating yourself

The power of an avid learner or having traits of ambition, curiosity or eagerness all can support a healthy lifestyle built on growth. Self-empowerment is critical; an nothing is more empowering that knowledge and education (in all areas of life).

How can you educate yourself:

Things to Remember when choosing a curriculum

When selecting a program or curriculum it is important to focus on what works for you. Your selection is a decision on a pathway supported by specific guidance and mentorship to cultivate results. With the right guidance your achievements can be endless; However, with the wrong, you could be thrown off from your destiny. 

It is critical that you make sure you make the right decisions leading up to this selection that assure you are supported in the way you need to be. 

When considering what to study or pursue think of the following: 

During your selection process try to schedule these activities well in advance of the deadline 

(Well in advance means a semester before final selection period) :

Leveraging Independence

Study Abroad

Highly Recommend. Point Blank

Do it for the exposure not for just yourself but for your family, friends and culture. 

Expand your horizons!

Create your own Major

Independent Research



Communicate your Interests

Connect with Career Service Early

Ultimate GOAL: Purposeful Education

Remember why you went to school in the first place